Join the Wise Men and Follow The Star this Advent and Christmas is the invitation to everyone in Caversham and Mapledurham. Look out for the invitation not only on Christmas cards and posters from the three churches of Caversham Thameside and Mapledurham Parish but also proclaimed across Church House in the middle of Caversham.

The journey to Christmas – Advent – starts with an Advent Carol service at St Peter’s, Caversham, between Caversham Court and The Warren, on Sunday, December 2, at 6.30pm.

There will be Carol services at St Margaret’s, Mapledurham, on Sunday, December 16 at 6.30pm, St John’s, off Gosbrook Road, on Wednesday, December 19, 7.30pm, St Peter’s, Sunday, December 23, 6.30pm, and in Caversham Court Gardens at 7.30pm on Monday, December 17.

Christingle services for all the family are scheduled for all three Caversham Thameside and Mapledurham Parish churches, starting with St John’s, Caversham, at 4.00pm on Sunday, December 16. Christmas Eve brings Christingle services at 4.00pm at St Margaret’s, Mapledurham, and at 3.00pm and 4.30pm at St Peter’s, Caversham.

Nativity Live! sees St John’s, Caversham join with Caversham Methodists, Caversham Baptist Church and live donkeys and sheep for a dramatic retelling of the Christmas story on the streets of Caversham, starting at the Baptist Church at 4.00pm on Christmas Eve and finishing at St John’s.

Throughout Advent, St Peter’s, St John’s and St Margaret’s join with churches across the country in inviting everyone to Follow The Star. The campaign was devised by the Church of England and the Star will start to appear on cards, posters and banners around the area from Advent Sunday, December 2.

“Every year, we sing about those wise men who followed a star to the birthplace of Jesus,” said the Revd Mike Smith, Rector of Caversham Thameside and Mapledurham. “Without Jesus, there would be no Christmas, so, this year, alongside all the presents, glitter, and celebrations, we are encouraging the people of Caversham to celebrate with us through Advent and Christmas and to join us as we Follow The Star.”

There is a fresh look at the Christmas story at by following the star. For daily reflections and a digital Advent calendar, go to