
Fly Me to the Moon

St Peter, Caversham
This year's Christmas Quiz had an astronomy and space flight theme. Those who entered the quiz might like to check their answers. Or, if you haven't tried the quiz yet, here are the questions. Read more...

Christingle wraps Caversham

St John, Caversham
St John's had a wonderful Christingle service, with a focus on the red ribbon that encircles the Christingle and God's love for us as individuals, church family, and our wider community. Read more...

St Peter’s Toy Service

St Peter, Caversham
Members of St Peters donated toys and money for Reading Family Aid, who help children living with poverty and other disadvantages in the Reading area. Each toy will be put to good use in the coming weeks. Read more...

CTC Holiday Club: Champions!

In recent weeks, we've been surrounded by stories of Olympic heroes, all vying to be crowned champions of their chosen sport. At the same time in Caversham, I was surrounded by a different type of hero – the red t-shirted volunteers from Churches Together in Caversham (CTC). That could only mean one thing… it was time for this year's Olympic-themed CTC HOLIDAY CLUB! Read more...

Informal concert

St Peter, Caversham
St Peter’s choir entertained us over coffee with instrumental and vocal solos and ensembles, with choir items at the beginning and end. Read more...

RIP Alan Wilson

St John, Caversham
Alan Wilson, Bishop of Buckingham, has died. In the 1980s he served as a priest in Caversham. Read more...