A prayer for use during the Coronavirus pandemic
Keep us, good Lord,
under the shadow of your mercy
in this time of uncertainty and distress.
Sustain and support the anxious and fearful,
and lift up all who are brought low;
that we may rejoice in your comfort
knowing that nothing can separate us from your love
in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen
Praying for you
The Bible encourages us not to be anxious, but to offer our requests to God (Philippians 4:6)
If you would like us to pray in confidence for you, or for a situation that is on your heart, simply write your request in the box below and click send. Our confidential prayer team will pray each day for seven days, then the request will be deleted. There is no need to include your name or contact details.
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Praying together
Some services are being streamed on the CTM Parish YouTube channel, and some are taking place on Zoom. The weekly pattern of services is listed on the Services page.
Each day, at 11am, many stop to say Psalm 23 and recite the Lord’s Prayer (download the text)
Praying by yourself
Here are some resources to help us pray:
- The Church of England has put together lots of prayer resources
- The Church of England have crafted two simple acts of worship, particularly geared to those who are isolated or housebound, or who are unable to stream.
- Scripture Union have produced Word Live as a daily bible reading and prayer resource.
- This simple form of daily prayer is adapted from material by St Peters Earley.
- These intercessions for use in personal prayer may help you structure your prayer.
- The Church of England has provided a simple reflection to use at home on the day of a funeral you can’t attend.
- The Church of England has also provided prayers to use when someone has just died.
And here are some other resources that may be useful at this time:
- Try reading one of the Gospels from start to finish. Here is Mark’s Gospel divided up into thirty-one segments
- The Church of England has produced some guidance on how to look after our Mental Health better.
Weather permitting, two of our churches are open each day for private prayer: St Peter’s from 10am to 4pm, and St Margaret’s during daylight hours.
Staying in touch
Weekly newsletters and sermons are being distributed by email. You can receive these by emailing Caroline Smith, the Parish Administrator, admin@ctmparish.org.uk
Each online service is followed by informal chat using the Zoom platform. Also, Mike Smith is hosting a Zoom chat at 10.45am every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The Zoom access codes are listed on the Services page.
Getting help, offering help
Here is a list of the ways you can either access help if you are in need, or can offer help to other people:
The Contact Us page lists the various ways to get in touch with the parish clergy.
The One Reading Hub is the local community hub where anyone can ask for help or offer help. Contact ☎ 0808 1894325 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. See www.reading.gov.uk/coronavirussupport for more detail.
Team Reading: Coronavirus Response Volunteers rva.org.uk/volop/team-reading-coronavirus-response-volunteers/
Christian Community Action – supplying Reading with an emergency service to vulnerable people and those facing severe disadvantage and poverty. Contact via response@ccam.org.uk.
Reading Voluntary Action are coordinating the community response across Reading. See their website for lots of information: rva.org.uk/coronavirus-community-action/
Readifood is Reading’s food bank. Their home page is readifood.org.uk/
The Weller Centre on Amersham Road in Caversham is acting as our local focal point for feeding those in need. Please contact them at www.facebook.com/wellercentre/
NHS Volunteer Responders – support the 1.5m people in England who are at most risk from the virus