Here at CTM, children and youth ministry are two of our priorities.
We are passionate about seeing children and young people growing up in the way of Jesus. Through journeying alongside children and youth, we aim to allow young people to explore faith for themselves, and aspire to see everyone engaged with CTM go into adulthood flourishing and with Jesus at the centre of their lives.
- St Peter, Caversham
Baby and Toddler Group
At Church House, every Friday during term-time
- St John, Caversham
Baby and Toddler Group
Every Tuesday during term-time from 9.30am-11am at Caversham Hall
- St Peter, Caversham
The choir sings a wide repertoire from the Tudor period to the present day. The main practice is on Friday nights.
- St John, Caversham
Scout Group
Beavers and Cubs provide fun scouting activities such as crafts, cooking, camping and outings for children from the Caversham area aged 4-14 years
- St John, Caversham
St John's Sunday Club
Sunday Club at St John's consists of three different age groups.
- St Peter, Caversham
St Peter's Sunday Club
Sunday Club takes place during the 9.30am service on the second and fourth Sundays
- Parish
Monthly chat for secondary-aged young people
- Parish
Youth Group
Thursdays during term time, for secondary-aged young people.
We also work as part of Churches Together In Caversham: Messy Church at the Weller Centre, REInspired in local schools, and the Summer Holiday Club.