St Peter, Caversham

The deadline for applications is now past.

We are seeking a 0.5 FTE Associate Vicar to assist the Rector, who will shortly become Area Dean of Reading. This post will run concurrently with the Rector’s tenure as Area Dean and is a time-limited post for 5 years.

We are a large suburban parish on the north of Reading in Berkshire. St Peter’s is choral central tradition and is one of three churches in the parish. The post is a great opportunity for an experienced priest who wants a part-time role and to lead from the second-chair.

We are looking for a priest who will:

  • Oversee the pattern of worship on Sundays, midweek, major festivals and occasional offices.
  • Lead the pastoral care team
  • Encourage the demographic of St Peter’s congregation to become younger, more diverse and representative of the community in which it is located by participating in faith nurture and intentional discipleship
  • Contribute to governance of the church and its place in the parish
  • Contribute to the training of curates
  • Play an appropriate role in the life of the wider parish

Interested? Please read the detailed job description and then apply using the application form.

Enquiries to: The Associate Archdeacon of Berkshire, Liz Jackson 07394952596

Applications to: Archdeacon of Berkshire, Foxglove House, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2JG or

Closing date for applications: 5pm on 28th September 2022

Interviews: 30th September 2022