The Grants Team was established to ensure the appropriate disbursement of surplus monies generated by Church House and works under the guidance of the PCC. The Haslam sisters donated Church House to the Parish of Caversham in 1943 and the trust deed, which transferred ownership of the building, set out the terms of the bequest. Disbursements from Church House funds may only be made in accordance with those terms, which can be summed up as Christian worship and the furtherance of Christ’s work in Caversham.
The responsibilities of the Grants Team are:
- To receive requests for grants
- Consideration of their suitability in light of the bequest’s terms
- Assessment and prioritisation of applications as guided by the PCC
- Management of the disbursement of funds.
The terms of the bequest
The funds must be used for these purposes:
- For the celebration of Divine Service in accordance with the rites and ceremonies of the Church of England
- For a Mission or Parish Room or a Meeting Room for any persons engaged in or upon the work of the Church of England or any other building or buildings to be used in connection with the work of the said Church within the said Parish
- For a Sunday School or Schools in connection with the Church of England
- For a place of meeting for the promotion, aiding and furthering, in any manner, the work of the Church of England
- For any Ecclesiastical purpose within the meaning of the said Measure affecting the said Parish or any part thereof
The application process
The total amount available for grants each year is determined by the Church House Management Team in January. The Grants Team meets to consider applications at least three times a year and more frequently if, in the opinion of the Team, any application requires urgent consideration. Grants can be made until the funds for the year are exhausted and any surplus funds remain with Church House.
Each application has a nominated person who will account for the grant funds and a date by which the beneficiary expects the grant to be spent. In the case of applications from parish churches or church organisations and groups funds are released to the nominated person. In the case of applications from organisations or groups outside of the parish funds will be released by the Church House treasurer to the nominated person on production of each invoice. The nominated person will account for the use of the funds in a report to the Grants Team.
Current priorities
As of Autumn 2023, the Grants Team’s priorities, as defined by the PCC, are these:
Five enabling priorities:
- St John’s roof and solar panels
- Website renewal
- AV & PA systems in churches
- Admin systems renewal
- Quinquennial inspection maintenance.
Five ministry priorities:
- Youth Worker
- Children & Families Worker
- Healing Ministry
- Discipleship & Nurture
- Bereavement Ministry.
How to apply
For an application form, please contact the chair of the grants team at