St Peter’s Church has a thriving bell ringing community. On Tuesday evenings, experienced bell ringers teach novices this quintessential English art. Ringing is just as much about team work, fun and friendship as well as lots of practice!

Of the 8 bells at St Peter’s, the heaviest is 8 cwt/400kg. The bells are controlled by ringers in the ringing chamber below with ropes containing coloured ‘Sallies’. The sound is created by ringing the bells in a particular pattern. Most ringers begin by ringing what’s known as ’rounds’, which is the typical ringing tune many people associate with ringing. There are many more complex patterns which can be ‘called’ by a member of the bell ringing team.

You, too, could have the opportunity to ring the loudest and largest musical instruments in the world. Are you 10 or older? Would you like to try it out? Contact Jenny Page, either directly or through the parish administrator.

The image is from the 2019 overhaul of the bells.