Dear Friends
Women Bishops
The PCC had a good discussion about this, hearing views expressed at each of the Church Forums. We also debated a suggestion from the Forum at St Peters to hold a referendum of all those on the Electoral Roll. We decided against this, not only because those elected to the Council are required to exercise their own judgement on this (as in other) issue, but also because there had been reasonable opportunity through the recent round of Church Forums for everyone to express their views. The outcome of our discussion was to send our Deanery Synod reps to the Synod meeting with a clear understanding that this PCC
a. fully supports women bishops
b. fully supports the view that individuals who cannot accept the ministry of women bishops remain loyal Anglicans
c. is concerned about enabling parishes to opt out of oversight from a woman bishop
d. is largely opposed to making provision for those who dissent from the majority view
The PCC did not vote but Synod reps did ask us to express our feelings on these matters. This now goes to Deanery Synod for a formal vote before going to Diocesan Synod in the autumn.
Other PCC Topics
The Treasurer’s Group (under Stewart Bolton) and Stewardship Group (under Peter Stratton) reported on their meetings. I reported on the schools work project REinspired Caversham and Council agreed to employ and second a worker for which funds have been obtained elsewhere. Various resolutions to do with bank signatories and faculty applications were also passed. For more information or a set of minutes please do contact me.
Values of our Parish
- What drew you to this church?
- What continues to draw you to this church?
- What has shaped this church?
With these questions the PCC wants to explore principals that are important to us; key values that run through us like words in a stick of rock; what it is that make us who we are as a parish. In order to do this it is vital to begin by listening to our church communities from which the PCC is drawn. There are posters and post-it notes in each church throughout July for you to respond. If you would rather let me have your ideas on paper then that’s fine as well. In August all this will be collated to show what each individual church believes and the values that run through them all. This will be key for the PCC discussions about Parish Values, which will take place on a PCC Away-Day in September. At the end of this day, the PCC will have agreed upon a set of values that it believes define the life of our parish.
St Margaret Mapledurham Patronal Festival
Please put the date in your diary: Wednesday 20th July at 8.00pm with Canon Roger Royle preaching, followed by refreshments. Hope to see you there.
With my best wishes for the summer