Dear Friends
Easter is only just behind us, yet another exciting and important period lies ahead: both within our own churches and more broadly for the Church of England.
Marion Pyke and Graeme Fancourt will be ordained priest at 10.30am on Sunday 26 June in Reading Minster. We have 70 tickets allocated to the parish and if you would like one please contact Caroline in the office. They will be distributed on a first-come-first-served basis.
So the diary across the parish for Sunday 26 June will be:
8.00 am at St Peter
Holy Communion (BCP), said service
9.45 am at St Peter
Holy Communion, said service
10.30 am at Reading Minster
Ordination Service
11.00 am at St Margaret
Parish Communion
4.00 pm in the Rectory
Cream Tea Celebration
6.30 pm at St Peter
Parish Communion: full Sunday morning style service at which Marion Pyke will preside for the first time
Patronal Festivals
This is also the time of year for two of our Patronal Festivals. Plans for these are:
St John
Fri 24 June 9.00 am Holy Communion, said service
Sat 25 June 4.30 pm All Age Communion Service, followed by Barbecue (more info from Ann Deane on 954 3814)
St Peter
Wed 29 June 8.00 pm Sung Eucharist
Graeme will preside for the first time at the 9.45am Parish Communion service at St Peter’s on Sunday 3rd July. Please join in these celebrations as you are able. Looking further ahead, Rev Roger Royle will be preaching at St Margaret’s Patronal Festival on Wednesday 20 July.
Women Bishops
Should we embrace the culture in which we live so that it shapes the way we organise the governance structures of our church; should we adhere to sound scriptural authority which clearly shows that Jesus chose only male disciples; should we hold fast to the traditions of the church which has served us well for two thousand years? These are some of the arguments for and against Women Bishops which will be made over the next six months, starting at our Church Forums and PCC this month. Please do make your views known. Further reading can be found on the web site under “Parish Documents”.
With my very best wishes,