A number of applications were received for the post of Rector. However at the shortlisting meeting on 14 May with the Bishop it was agreed that none of the applicants had the right fit for the post so we would not be interviewing any of them. We will re-advertise in September with shortlisting and interviews due to take place in October.We understand this may be a disappointment, but it is not unusual to have to re-advertise. It is important to ensure we appoint the right person rather than simply ‘make do’ – a feeling shared by all present... Read more...
"Landlubbers" is a Holiday Club to be held in the Summer school holiday for 5 – 11 year olds from Monday 29th July to Friday 2nd August. The five sessions will run from 10am to 3pm, and will take place at Thameside School. Children will have an opportunity to have fun and make new friends while they participate in craft, singing, bible stories, and activities.Pre-registration is essential; either email the address shown on the poster, or phone 07402 985331 to book a place. Children can register for the whole holiday club or individual days. The cost is £3... Read more...
There is a national hour of prayer for fresh expressions of church, on Monday 20th May 2013, to pray for those outside the reach of the traditional church and all who champion, lead or attend them.The members of the Caversham Fresh Expressions team invite you to join them in praying for our local community. We will be gathering at Gosbrook Road Methodist Church in the upper room at noon on Monday 20th May, and everyone is welcome.If you can't join us at midday, then please consider making time whenever you can to pray for fresh expressions of... Read more...