
Autumn Ramble

Mary Westley writes:The Autumn Ramble took place in glorious sunshine with the autumnal tints at their best. We began by walking through the 2nd World War memorial gates at St Margaret's and continued along the path to Hardwick, where we turned upwards through the woods to look at the old remains of a lime kiln before wending our way through the trees to the stunning vista which opens out at the the top of the hill. Interest was provided underfoot as well as above, in the form of many types of fungi. After admiring the view we returned... Read more...

Summer Ramble

Mary Westley writes:We took a trip into the past for our Summer Ramble, strolling leisurely around Caversham Court Garden and the refurbished Abbey ruins guided by the knowledgeable Doug. He began by showing us a “grotesque”, tucked away at the far end of Caversham Court and I for one would never have given it a second glance if it had not been pointed out.After admiring at the beautiful flowers around the Forbury Gardens and scurrying through the preparations for a performance in the Bandstand we found the weathered remains of another one at the Abbey entrance. We marvelled... Read more...

Spring Ramble

Mary Westley writes:The Spring Ramble wended its way from the historic Packsaddle pub through the golf course (where we saw one or two golfers making use of the Bank Holiday weekend to enjoy a leisurely round or two), around Chazey Woods (avoiding the Paintball area!) and on down to the Warren. We caught a glimpse of Mapledurham House standing in majestic splendour before heading down the tree-lined path with the beech trees looking stunning in their fresh spring green. The final part of the journey up to St Peter’s always arouses interest with glimpses of the Thames... Read more...

Easter Morning in Caversham Court

A number of hardy worshippers gathered around a fire early on Easter Morning in Caversham Court to greet the sunrise and to celebrate the resurrection of our Saviour. A flame from the fire was taken to St Peter's Church to light candles for a service of communion. Most of those gathered stayed to share breakfast together.Click on the image to see a larger version Read more...

Palm Sunday procession

The 2019 Palm Sunday procession with donkeys from St Johns to the Weller Centre was a great success.There were around 50 people on the walk, with many more joining in at the Weller Centre to see the donkeys and enjoy refreshments and hot cross buns. They were also able to take part in the Amersham Road Cooking Club, with craft activities and the telling of the Easter story. Along the route, people came out with apples and carrots for the donkeys and to find out what was happening. Thanks go to everyone involved. Read more...

Winter Ramble

Mary Westley writes:The Winter Ramble took us across Bug’s Bottom and on up to Toker's Green, where we made short diversion to look at the beautiful snowdrops, aconites and hellebore in the Bisgrove’s garden, before walking back along Albert Road to the church, where we partook of tea and Galette des Rois, complete with an origami crown. The refreshments were accompanied by a variety of seasonal readings including some Pratchett, Dickens, Shakespeare, Clare, and Cowper.Click on the images to see larger versions.St Peter's Occasional Rambles And Dawdles In the Countryside Read more...

Follow The Star this Advent and Christmas

Join the Wise Men and Follow The Star this Advent and Christmas is the invitation to everyone in Caversham and Mapledurham. Look out for the invitation not only on Christmas cards and posters from the three churches of Caversham Thameside and Mapledurham Parish but also proclaimed across Church House in the middle of Caversham.The journey to Christmas - Advent – starts with an Advent Carol service at St Peter's, Caversham, between Caversham Court and The Warren, on Sunday, December 2, at 6.30pm.There will be Carol services at St Margaret’s, Mapledurham, on Sunday, December 16 at 6.30pm... Read more...

Remembrance Day Ramble

Mary Westley writes:As the Autumn Ramble fell on Remembrance Sunday, the 100th anniversary of the WW1 Armistice , our walk was framed by an exploration of the WW1 war memorials in St Margaret’s and St Peter’s. These all have a story to tell and Ian Lowry guided us through the ones in Mapledurham, and before setting off through the sunshine for our walk we paused in the churchyard (with its newly opened–up vista of the church) to hear him read a poem written during WW2 by a soldier from Mapledurham – made extra poignant by the tolling of... Read more...