England were readying themselves for one last World Cup match, Angelique and Serena were due on court at Wimbledon, yet still the crowds flowed into Caversham Court Gardens.The annual Caversham Church Fete, on July 14, was another great community day for Caversham. People came from far and wide to enjoy home-made cakes and savouries, afternoon tea or Pimms, coconut shy or hoopla and not one but three tombolas.As the sun blazed down, the crowds were entertained by the Wright School of Dance, the Tadley Brass Band and the inimitable Fred in the Shed (well, tent this year... Read more...
At the parish service for July, held at St Margaret Mapledurham, a special collection was taken to support the charity Toilet Twinning. Toilet Twinning funds the work of international relief and development agency Tearfund and donations are used to provide clean water, basic sanitation, and hygiene education. A donation of £60.00 will fund one toilet and we are delighted to say that through the generosity of the congregation for this collection we were able to fund four toilets.To see more detail of the work of Toilet Twinning go to www.toilettwinning.org. Read more...
A small but select band met up outside in the shade next to the minster church at St Mary’s Butts central Reading. Had we been transported 500 years ago rather than walking we would likely have been practicing our archery (pictured) on this site. The select band ignored the retail temptations as we passed through the Oracle shopping centre and viewed the living wall planted up against the exterior House of Fraser wall on exiting the centre. The footbridge over the Kennet was colourfully decorated with pelargoniums and other colourful flowering plants.The shopping centre has been built on... Read more...
The most stunning display of tulips and other garden delights awaited us at the end of the Spring Ramble. Richard and Chris Bisgrove have produced the most beautiful garden and a hush fell upon the walkers as they contemplated the scene. The route from St Peter’s, led by Chris, took us along paths and bridleways that were to most of us unknown, and vistas of carpets of bluebells- just at their best -were opened up as we wended our way over the golf courses and through the woods to Tokers Green. The most magnificent tea was provided once we... Read more...
On April 1 about 50 April fools for Christ gathered around a warming fire in Caversham Court at 6am for the start of the Easter Liturgy, including music and readings. Having watched the sun rise the congregation entered a still dark St Peter’s with the newly-lit Paschal Candle. There we lit the church and concluded the service with hymns and communion. The morning was rounded off with a hearty cooked breakfast to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and the joyous start of a new Christian year. Read more...
On Palm Sunday, 2018, more than 150 people and six dogs joined donkeys Buffy and Solomon as they walked with the Bishop of Reading, Andrew Proud. The journey began at St Margaret’s Mapledurham, and continued via St Peter’s Caversham, Caversham Court and Christchurch Meadows all the way to St John the Baptist, Gosbrook Road.There were refreshments and worship at each of the three parish churches and plenty of time to meet, chat and recall Jesus’ journey on a donkey into Jerusalem. Many people we met on the route were happy to receive a Palm Cross.Click on... Read more...
The Parish Electoral Roll is open for revision until Saturday 24 March 2018. Forms are available in all churches or can be downloaded from here. You will find a copy of the current roll on a noticeboard in your church or church porch. Please ask a churchwarden if you cannot find it. Read more...
The parish annual meetings took place on Sunday 15 April 2018 at St John's church. During the morning worship, there was a short meeting to elect wardens, followed by the main Annual Parochial Church Meeting. Read more...